What Are Some Signs of a Healthy Relationship?

Many of us who are in search of a significant other may begin to believe that maybe we're a little too picky when it comes to choosing our partners. Although we should never have unrealistic expectations, we should also never sacrifice some key features that create a healthy relationship. The following topics detail behaviors that you should come to expect from a healthy relationship.

Good Communication

Good communication is a huge requirement if you want a relationship to last. Being able to communicate to your partner and vice versa about any issue is vital to the building of trust in each other. Keeping things from each other may begin to diminish this trust over time. That being said, every person has their own way of communicating. So, while you might be the engaging type, your partner might be a little reserved and will need time to really open up to you. 

Respect for the Other Person

Most relationships begin with the honeymoon phase, where nothing he can do or say is wrong in your eyes. However, this should never cloud our judgment about their behavior towards us and others, you must respect yourself. Harmful or offensive touching disregards the best interests and wellbeing of the other person altogether and is a huge red flag that should be taken very seriously. A healthy respect for each other is demonstrated by a fair voice in the relationship. If you feel like you're being oppressed, then that is a huge red flag to remove yourself from the situation before it gets too serious. A partner who values your voice, time and requests is a clear sign of a healthy relationship. 

Willing to Improve

Even the best couples will tell you that there are always improvements to be made even in an established relationship. A partner who is willing to admit this demonstrates a healthy behavior when it comes to the work that is needed to maintain an already healthy relationship. “Willing to improve” doesn't only have to mean the big stuff like trust, listening and communication, it can also be the small things. These would include trying out new foods, going out more often, etc.

Any relationship, how perfect it may seem should be aware of itself. This means that each person must have a certain level of expectations out of the other and that those are met with a healthy outlook rather than for domination. Adhering to the subjects spoken about above can help you see these behaviors and find a way to mediate them or justify your decision to walk away.

It’s time to be recognized as the bold, beautiful, and powerful woman that is you. Treat yourself today!

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