#FindYourBalance 2020

Welcome to the roaring twenties. 

This isn’t just another ordinary year. It’s the turn of a decade! Think of 2020 as the year you take control of positive new habits in your life. Resolutions can be hard to stick to, but we’re here to help reinforce the drive we know you have to make such goals a reality. “Dreams don’t work unless you do” may be an old, cliché adage. However, it’s accurate to boot. Whether you need a little inspo on what milestones you want to achieve or simply need an extra push, we have you covered in this mini five-step guide to unlocking the best version of you ever! Hint: It’s all about B A L A N C E

1. Let go of toxic relationships. 

In this new year, take strides to rid yourself of any relationship if it’s causing you more grief than joy, whether it’s with a lover, a friend, or even your work computer. If you’re not being fulfilled by a relationship in your life, it’s time to re-think your bond. Allow yourself to feel a bit hurt, then say, “thank u, next” and focus on the healthy relationships you have in your life instead. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality.

2. Trade bad habits, for the good. 

There is absolute truth in “you are what you eat.” If you partake in a boundless supply of junk food, booze, and fatty eats, you can expect it to affect your health in negative ways. Soaring blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, extensive bloat, and generally just feeling like sh*t to name a few. This is where balance really comes into play. By all means, pull the ice cream out of the freezer if you’re having a bad day. You know your body best, so take notes of what makes you feel good on the inside (and outside because ya know… #hotgirlsummer). 

Pro Tip: Check out the many pages of Pinterest for nutritious and equally delicious recipes to layer into your daily cuisine. 

3. Love the skin you’re in. 

Fun fact: Did you know skin is your body’s largest organ? It takes up approximately 20-square-feet! Since you have all that mass to take care of, wouldn’t it make sense for you to learn to love every inch of it? Yes, this means on the inside too! What we mean is: sure, a great moisturizer will help keep your moisture barrier balanced but the key is staying hydrated with plenty of water. 

Once you start getting into the routine of taking care of your skin from the inside-out, you’ll start to find that it’s much easier to practice self-love. 

4. Stop procrastinating.

The biggest time waster of all comes in many forms. For some, its’ endless hours spent on social media. While others binge-watch the third season of *insert your series of choice* as if it’s their first time watching it ever (we know better). For others, initial time well spent devolves into hours spent daydreaming of getting various tasks tackled. We’re all guilty of procrastinating, but have you made it a habit of waiting until the 11th hour to meet deadlines or accomplish necessary items on your to-do list? Now’s the time to get a firm hold on what causes you to procrastinate. Is it a fear of failure? Are you overcommitting? Is “no” not in your vocabulary? Here are a few steps to help you conquer this bad habit:

  • Make a daily to-do list, starting with your most daunting and important tasks at the forefront.
  • Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t accomplish the entire list. Aim to at least check off the key tasks.
  • Delegate to others – significant other, colleague, friend, or parent – if necessary. 

By breaking down your to-dos into simple steps, you’ll find yourself feeling more accomplished as you slowly tick everything off of you list. And hey, don’t forget to reward yourself when you’re done. Again, it’s all about balance here. 

5. Don’t give up.

If there’s one thing life is good at, it’s throwing unexpected curve balls your way. For example, you may have every intention of having a sunny day picnic tomorrow, but the weather decides to take a turn for the worse. Therefore, enter into 2020 with a plan then follow-through with the steps it will take to achieve your goals. Don’t allow unforeseen challenges to stifle you. Besides, it’s not how you start…it’s how you finish!

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